Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Today was LAME because...

I went to give blood and couldn't because my iron levels were too low. 

Thankfully, I can try again on Friday, Saturday and Monday. I think I'll go with monday. And I can do the double red cell donation (yay, O Negative blood type!) which is cool. Cuz it can help little babies!

(I just failed at seeming like a heartless badass didn't I?)

I don't dislike humans. I just don't really like them either. Knowing that my blood is more likely to go to a premature baby who needs multiple red cell transfusions makes me feel better about giving blood. 

I like babies. I like them a lot more than I like humans in general. I even like them more than I like most little kids, and far more than I like teenagers and adults and old people. They've come into this world screaming, shocked to leave their comfy cozy home for bright lights and too much noise. Despite that, they don't judge you because of how you dress or how you talk, because of the tattoos or piercings you do or don't have... they don't judge you because you can or can't afford nice things. If you hold then and snuggle them and talk to them, they love you.

Like cats. I also like cats a lot more than I like humans. But I can't donate blood in the name of cats, so I donate for the sake of babies instead. 

So anyone who's going to be going in on Monday to the Medford center, let me know. I have to call and get an appointment soon. Go in and save lives.

Well, I'm going to go put Mickey Mouse bandaids on my jabbed and stabbed fingers.



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