Thursday, January 27, 2011

Back in town

Hey all. I'm back in Seattle right now, hitting up all the usual spots. Easy Street for vinyl, the co-op for Steph's Tofu, Zatz for bagels (or bagel dogs...) and probably Great Harvest for a sandwich if I'm in the junction for long enough. I'll be doing a Seattle-based playlist for my blog later, when I find better wifi (too many people in Starbucks right now, it's super slow).

Anyways, I just wanted to remind everyone how amazing it feels to go back to somewhere you love. I may not like the "staying with my father" part, but this town was my home for fourteen years.

There's a little ginger girl here with her grandfather wearing neon pink tights, black cowboy boots and a red floral dress. It's how you know you've found your home when even the toddlers dress like you.

I'll post some pictures tonight or tomorrow or whenever I get some free time.

I hit Bellingham hard in the morning, gotta find some new hangouts for when I'm up there for Uni. Anyone know of any? Coffee shops preferred, and anywhere that there are live bands on a regular basis (even if they're not fabulous live bands, I've gotta have SOMETHING to blog about, right?).

I hope everyone is having as good a day as me right now.

I'll be going to the EMP tonight, I hope, so if you want pressed pennies (I collect them, so I stop in every time I'm up here to get a new one) let me know. It's only 26 cents, so I think I can spot a few of you guys.



Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A long time ago, we used to be friends...

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." 
 Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was right. Everything happens for a reason. She was right about a lot of things in her day... yeah, she wasn't quite perfect herself, but no one is. She sort of summed up how my life has been going recently with that thought though. 

Maybe that'll be a tattoo I get someday. Tiny text on the top of my foot or swirly script on my ribs, who knows. Maybe even itty bitty block print on the back of my neck, or a nice feminine font across my back, or in the space between the smiley face near my elbow and the word Lovely on my wrist...

First I've got to get the one for my mother though. I'll probably get it when I come back from Seattle. Three little birds; one blue, one green, one pink... found someone to do it and everything. Great quality, really good price. 

Anyways, I ended up posting this blog because I found this quote, and I found this quote because a friend... a really fabulous, amazing, sweet, smart, fantastic, gorgeous, intelligent, caring friend... helped me reconnect with a former friend that I wish had never left my life, especially under as sketchy of circumstances as the falling out was. 

It's something I've considered a lot over the two years since I last spoke to her... and I realized that there wasn't much I could have done because who I am isn't who I was back then, and who I was back then...

It had to happen that way. I wonder sometimes, though, what it would have been like if I hadn't... we hadn't...

Right, anyways, before I end up all teary and emotional, lets move on. I'm going to be heading up to Seattle... as mentioned... to visit a few schools and see my father.

My fear of heights is why I'm not currently asleep. 

My dislike of seeing my father is why I'm... well, just not to thrilled with the whole fiasco, in all honesty. 

Things will be okay, though. And I'll be back on... Monday, I think. Or Wednesday. My parental units haven't actually told me yet. I think it's part of a plot to keep me on my toes and unable to flee... 

I have to wake up in just about five hours to help my mum around the house, so I should go... well, I should at least hop over to my Mixtape blog and post yesterdays, todays and... wait, shit. 

Monday's, tuesdays and todays. UGH. I can't believe I fell behind. 

So that's it. 



Monday, January 24, 2011

Hey everyone!

It's official. More people have read my giant Skins post than my The Pretty Reckless/Warped Tour post.

Because of that...

US Skins has episode 2 on MTV tonight at 10 pm. We all know it doesn't quite stack up to the UK version, but I'm watching it because I think that the girl who plays Michelle is cute and because I kind of get where I think Tea's coming from. Guess we'll find out tonight, since it's Tea-centric instead of Cassie-centric (aka Cadie-centric once you account for character change) like the UK version.

Tell me if you watch and what you think.



The Mixtape Chronicles, and other unimportant details of a boring life.

Hello hello hello mes amis! What have you been up to? Not that you ever tell me... it's been far too long since I last got a comment on here... (hint hint). 

Anyways, I'm just hanging out with ma maman and watching Bravo, since I haven't been living at home for the last three months but I'm back now. This is the best part of it, though. The hanging out and watching bad TV (she has an unhealthy love of Real Housewives, remember) and stuff. She's even helping me with the design for my next tattoo.

It's going to be three little birds above the tattoo of her name on my ankle. One pink, one blue and one green I believe, but light, like watercolors. We've been talking about it a lot... it's another one like... for her. I sort of doubt I'll ever get one for my dad, though. At least, not until he's gone and died, then maybe in honor of THAT...

Anyways, the rest of the day mostly involves cleaning out my former apartment so I have hope of getting my deposit back. Not that I really want to clean or anything. Then it's home to crash, because tomorrow morning...

I get to dye my hair more blond and lop of about five or six inches because I'm sort of sick of my hair. I'll let you know how it turns out. 

Well... this has been sitting, un-posted, in my blog archive since this morning, so I'll just... post it now. 

The only other thing I can ask of you is to check out my new blog, The Mixtape Chronicles, over at and let me know what you think of the songs. 

Please and thank you!